Helping you reach new heights.

I am passionate about giving small business and start up’s the tools they need to transform their dream business into a reality.
Putting the Actions to the Plan.

I am here to help you


It’s time to take your creativity, strength, passion and confidence and build that business you have always dreamed of doing.


Get clear and focused on your goals, visions, objective, and business that will change your life by giving you the freedom to be your own boss.


Its time to start looking at real strategies to help grow your business and take it to the next level.


Starting a business is simple, anyone with a vision, a plan and passion to create something new for themselves has the ability to start a business. However, having the knowledge, skills and passion to build and manage a successful Generational Business is not so easy. Creating a Generational Business is a lifetime’s investment and is not for faint hearted.

When you have the right information, the right mindset, a good strategy and a great team of likeminded people around the journey to creating a Generational Business can become a lot easier.


I am driven by knowing that the support I offer is helping others to look at a more simple and straight forward approach to starting their business.

I found the business development plan so easy and simple to use. It helped me to look at the end goal of what I want to achieve and then start to put some of the plans into action. The breakdown of what needs to be done was really eye opening and I have now started to tick things off my ever growing to do list. 

I can believe how simple this time management tool was to use. I have been struggling to find time to dedicate to my business having children and a full time job but this tool helped me to review how i currently spend my time and allocate at least one hour a day towards my business. Really great tool to use.   

Zandela helped me to by creating a really easy to use project material calculator. I run a construction company and the now all I have to do is put in how many pieces of material I need for each project and the document produces the total cost of the whole project including the staffing cost. It has made my life so much easier and I can provide client quotes in minutes rather than hours. Thank you so much 

Follow my journey as I prepare to move myself and my three children to live in Gambia, West Africa.

I first visited Africa in February 2019. It was such an eye opening experience for me. The Land, The People, The Beautiful Culture, The Opportunities, There are so many reasons for the Black People in the Diaspora to visit Africa more often and even consider moving back to the Mother Land

  • Event Planning and Equipment rentals.
  • Social, educational & sports activities for children.
  • Manufacturing & factories.
  • Transportation services
  • Florist & Agriculture
  • Internet Services Adult Training Centre (Beauty School, IT, Building, Hospitality)
  • Property Rentals Construction & Building Development
  • Furniture stores
  • Supermarkets Fashion & designers
  • Media & Entertainment Business Development School

The treatment of Black people around the world has been happening for hundreds of years. We are in the mist of a real change with the BLM movement. Finally we are starting to talk about issues around systemic racism, cooperate racism & brutality on a global scale. As black people we need to not forget about Africa and changing the narrative on Africa. We need to Help be part of the change that we want to see and REBUILDING AFRICA has to be part of that change.

Would you pay just £2/$2 a month, £24 a year to help ReBuild Africa?
There are currently 210 Million black African’s living in the Diaspora. If just 15% (31 million) of us pledged to pay just £2/$2 a month towards the rebuild of Africa Movement. This movement would contribute £62,000,000 a month, £744,000.000 A YEAR. Can you imagine the possibilities & opportunities that could be developed from you paying just £2/$2 a month. BE PART OF THE MOVEMENT.