Helping you reach new heights.

Generational Trailblazer

Zandela, an entrepreneur and business investor of Jamaican heritage grew up in a single-parent household in the UK. Despite no entrepreneurial influence she defied the odds to become a successful business owner.

Despite a lack of financial literacy and knowledge, she started her first business at the age of 19 and eventually established The AICS Group, a private sector brain injury rehabilitation provider based in London.

Zandela’s determination and perseverance paid off, and her company grew into a multiple 7-figure business, generating over £3 million in revenue in just 8 years. Her inspiring story serves as a testament to the potential for success.

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Years Business Experience
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Zandela's Journey

Zandela is a successful and ambitious entrepreneur with a deep understanding of the challenges facing small businesses.

Having invested in multiple businesses throughout her career, she is committed to helping small businesses reach their full potential.

In 2021, she founded New Business Investments to provide financial support to businesses that may not have access to traditional business loans or investment from larger organisations.

With her extensive knowledge in the world of business investment, Zandela is dedicated to supporting the growth and success of entrepreneurs who have the vision, passion, and drive to create thriving businesses.


My Portfolio

Home – Our Portfolio

The AICS Group

Business 4

House of Hair UK

Business 5

The Regency Group

Business 6

Replicate Zandela’s Success

As a seasoned entrepreneur, with extensive knowledge and experience in multiple industries, I offer a series of online workshops and e-books to share my expertise and insights with other entrepreneurs who are seeking guidance and support on their own journey to success.

Thrive: A 1-Day Entrepreneurship Mastermind

On-Demand Development

Accelerate: A 4-week Workshop for Rapid Growth

Social Surge: A 4-week Intensive Marketing Workshop

Meet the Founders

Meet the brilliant founders who have transformed their business dreams into reality, thanks to Zandela’s invaluable expertise and mentorship.


James Wick

Digital Marketing Founder


James Wick

Accounting Firm


James Wick

Restaurant Owner


James Wick
